The TC1710 is a fun looking small, pink and blue "osculum" style, tungsten carbide sharpener with a suction cup base. It is small and portable so can be used quickly and efficiently to put an edge on your blades. It is well suited to use with the smaller Kiwi & Kom-Kom knives but can also be used with the larger blades.
Tungsten carbide is a material that is harder than steel and so as well as being used for making tools, it also makes a good abrasive surface for sharpening blades. As this type of sharpening can be fairly aggressive, in that it will quickly remove material from the blade, it can result in faster sharpening, at the expensive of more wear on the blade than some other sharpening methods.
This sharpener is perfect for the home kitchen environment and will help you keep a keen edge on your blades at all times.